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Laria Rug

Laria Rug

Hand-sheared Performance Textra Rug

High Pile Silk Rug

Ribbed Flax and Nettle Rug

Calida Silk and Wool Rug

Cut Pile Silk Rug

Ribbed Silk and Nettle Rug

Pavia Indoor / Outdoor Rug

Corte Indoor / Outdoor Rug

Imola Rug

Sora Indoor / Outdoor

Aversa Rug

Anda Rug

Performance Distressed Rug

Distressed Wool Rug

Performance Distressed Rug

Performance Estra Rug

Distressed Wool Rug

{type:root,children:{type:paragraph,children:{type:text,value:In the landscape of interior design, the right rug can transform a room from ordinary to extraordinary. The Rugs collection from Ben Soleimani offers a refined selection that combines luxurious materials, intricate designs, and a palette of colors to suit every taste. From the rich textures of},{type:link,url:,title:null,target:null,children:{type:text,value: Moroccan rugs}},{type:text,value: to the subtle elegance of},{type:link,url:,title:null,target:null,children:{type:text,value: monochromatic designs}},{type:text,value:, Ben Soleimani’s collection promises to infuse your home with warmth, comfort, and unparalleled style.}},{type:paragraph,children:{type:text,value:Each rug in the collection is a nod to sophisticated living, designed to not only complement your existing decor but to serve as a statement piece that enhances the overall aesthetic of your space. Whether anchoring a },{type:link,url:,title:null,target:null,children:{type:text,value:living room}},{type:text,value: with a plush },{type:link,url:,title:null,target:null,children:{type:text,value:wool rug}},{type:text,value: or adding a touch of luxury to your },{type:link,url:,title:null,target:null,children:{type:text,value:bedroom}},{type:text,value: with a soft cashmere blend, Ben Soleimani’s rugs are versatile enough to adapt to any rooms needs.}},{type:paragraph,children:{type:text,value:The durability of these rugs is as impressive as their beauty, making them suitable for every area of the home, including high-traffic zones. Opting for a performance rug from the collection can ensure your space maintains its elegance without sacrificing practicality. This balance of form and function is a hallmark of the },{type:link,url:,title:null,target:null,children:{type:text,value:Performance Rugs line}},{type:text,value:, designed to withstand the rigors of daily life while maintaining a luxurious appearance.}},{type:paragraph,children:{type:text,value:For those who appreciate the art of layering in design, Ben Soleimanis rugs offer endless possibilities. Pairing a textured },{type:link,url:,title:null,target:null,children:{type:text,value:jute rug}},{type:text,value: beneath a more delicate silk piece can create depth and interest, transforming the floor into a canvas for personal expression. This technique not only elevates the design but also allows for customization of comfort and style.}},{type:paragraph,children:{type:text,value:The collections },{type:link,url:,title:null,target:null,children:{type:text,value:outdoor rugs}},{type:text,value: extend the luxury beyond the confines of the home, allowing you to create an inviting },{type:link,url:,title:null,target:null,children:{type:text,value:outdoor living area}},{type:text,value: that mirrors the sophistication of your interiors. These rugs are crafted to resist weather and wear, ensuring your outdoor space remains as chic and comfortable as your indoor environments.}},{type:paragraph,children:{type:text,value:Complementing your chosen rug with furniture and accessories from Ben Soleimanis extensive collection can complete the look of any room. From sumptuous seating options to elegant},{type:link,url:,title:null,target:null,children:{type:text,value: decorative pillows}},{type:text,value:, each piece is designed to harmonize with the rugs, creating cohesive and inviting spaces that reflect your personal style and sophistication.}}}


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