Sittercity Promo Codes & Discounts

There are currently 5 Sittercity Promotion Codes and Sittercity Coupons.

Sittercity connects you with hundreds of local nannies and babysitters. Find experienced and responsible nannies and babysitters right in your neighborhood so you can feel safe and secure leaving your kid at home. Sitter City can also connect you with tutors, senior care givers, pet sitters and even housekeepers. Use the SitterCity promo codes listed below for online savings at Store located at:

Current Codes

Sittercity: 25% off Annual Membership

Save 25% on annual membership fee

Use code: SPRING40

Expires: on-going

Sittercity: 25% off

Save 25% on your monthly or annual memebership.

Use code: FTSURVEY25

Expires: on-going

Sittercity: 10% off

Get 10% off membership fees.

Use code: TENSAVE

Expires: on-going

Sittercity: 10% off

Save 10% on your Sittercity membership.

Use code: MJTAKE10

Expires: on-going

Sittercity: $20 off

Save $20 on an annual membership or $5 on monthly membership at


Expires: on-going

Learn more about how to save the most at Sittercity